We know how you work
The Inkleaf platform
Inkleaf combines the power of progressive and next-generation web technologies with an intuitive and consistent user interface. With Inkleaf, you'll enjoy a seamless experience across devices, thanks to its mobile-first design. Navigate effortlessly with keyboard shortcuts, while fine-grained permissions ensure secure access to resources. Stay up-to-date with live updates, and personalize your experience with light or dark mode. Embrace the future of efficiency and accessibility as you unlock your library's potential with Inkleaf.
- Mobile first.
- Enjoy a seamless, easy-to-use experience across all of your devices.
- Light and dark modes.
- Switch effortlessly between light and dark modes to personalize your visual experience.
- Fine-grained permissions.
- Ensure that sensitive information remains protected and only accessible to authorized individuals.
- Live updates.
- Track changes across the platform in real-time without having to refresh the page.
- Keyboard shortcuts.
- Ditch the mouse and navigate effortlessly and efficiently using keyboard shortcuts.
- Available anywhere.
- Inkleaf is cloud-based software as a service (SaaS), so you can work and collaborate anytime, anywhere.
Staff & Contacts Directory
Share staff member and contact information. Streamline communication and enable access to important information.
- See who is online.
- See which staff members are online and available.
- A picture is worth a thousand words.
- Upload staff or contact pictures. Help new team members connect names to faces.
- Departments and working groups.
- Organize staff into departments or working groups, like committees or ad-hoc collaborative teams.
- Shared or personal contacts.
- Maintain a personal contact list or share with departments, working groups, or the entire staff.
Discussion Topics
Create space to share ideas, plans, opinions, and updates. Promote internal communication with a staff blogs and discussion topics.
- Explore topics.
- Create and manage topics for blogs and discussion and apply permissions, allowing per-department or per-group access.
- Threaded discussions.
- Foster in-depth conversations by allowing participants to create threaded replies and responses within each topic.
- Real-time updates.
- Enjoy a dynamic discussion experience with real-time updates, ensuring participants can see new responses and contributions as they happen.
- Notifications and Subscriptions.
- Keep participants engaged with notifications and subscription options, allowing them to stay updated on new discussions and responses.
Knowledge Base
Unlock your organization's potential to create, curate, and access a wealth of valuable information, fostering a culture of learning and knowledge-sharing.
- Stay organized.
- Tag notes, organize them into personal or shared notebooks, and secure them with group permissions.
- Collaborate in real-time.
- Edit documents collaboratively in an easy-to-use wysiwyg editor. Live preview lets you preview your notes in the same view that you're writing them in.
- Find things fast.
- Search notes with our blazing fast fulltext index using an intuitive UI that is always at your fingertips.
- Track and export with ease.
- Track note revisions or revert back to previous versions. Export notes as PDF or Markdown: a standard lightweight markup language designed for portability.
Custom Forms
Build custom forms for staff and the public, enabling data sharing and collection in order to help drive your strategic decisions.
- Staff and public forms.
- Separate staff and public forms. Embed forms in your website or send users to unique links. Authenticate library users against your SIP server.
- Organize and lock down.
- Organize forms into categories and apply permissions, allowing per-department or per-group access to forms and form data.
- Intuitive Form Builder.
- Create customized forms effortlessly with our intuitive form builder. No coding skills required.
- Real-time data.
- Watch form data arrive in real-time. Use built-in visualization tools to explore data or export into Excel.